Can Anyone exsplain love?Do you know if it is real,fake,or invisable?People always make judgements on people and their way of thinking.But love is just the deep emotion towards another person.Love is letting go and getting back what you need to receive.There is never ending love,easy love,and then there is obsesive love.The love of the devil.The love that never ends right.
Abby Johnson glides through the kicken.She starts searchin through the drawers,but it is hard to see through her tears.Her soft hands find the shinny blade.She cuts it deep into her arms.Deep like the emtion she’s felt for Jason.She thinks back about how her and Jason have alwayz been together.And she was shocked to understand what has happened.He had always been solf and gental.He was sweet and caring.But now he was very rude and did not give a shyt about anyone.She looked at the dark burgandy blood that dripped fast down her arm and into a puddle that had been forming.Abby sat down on her kichen floor but she seemed like a zombi.She focused outside the window.It wad dark.She desided to think about the great times her and Jason shared.And as she did,the pain faded.When Abby and Jason first started going out,he bought her a chocolate rose,and they talked all nite about how they felt.Jason was so caring and understanding.She could always remember how he said “I’ll always love you,I love you Abby.”She dweld on this thought and she could almost picture how sturn his face was when he begain to exsplain.The darkness and her kichen grew.Down from her mouth drew a trickle of blood.She stood up,a little dizzy,but she walked to the cupbord.She graped a rag and begain to run it under the water.It was perfect water.not to cold.And not to hot.It remined her of the summer that Jason and her spent.The water in the pool felt that way.She walked over to her bedroom.And feel apon her bed.And feel asleep.