Hi everyone. I have a question to pose to you all: What made you choose the names you’ve picked to use on here?? Lots of you have really interesting names, and I just wondered what made you pick them. Could someone, or a few of you, tell me why?? Thanks!!~
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mine just came to me. i wanted something that no one would know me by. very little is said about me in my name. i love the anonymity. the number at the time was placed there because i mourningstar was taken, and at the time it was a significant number in my life, though it is no longer significant, i’ll live with it.
if i may ask, why did you choose yours?
i picked mine cause i fell as if im ignored and disregarded. i do like being ignored by some people but it sucks when my own ‘friends’ do it.
I am the whip of hate in this filthy world we live in. I used to be a cult leader till most of us were arrested.
Our initiation involves lashing so the name juz stuck.
It juz means that noone is above me.
And if you convert it on Esperanto that would mean Overseer of Pain.
Interesting Robe…
Mine is actually the name I gave to my black velvet cloak. It is so black and beautiful that I named it “The Cloak of Moonless Nights” because there is nothing as dark or as beautiful as a moonless night. When I came here, I figured it was a good name.
Interesting thread,
An escape from reality is my ultimate goal in life. But I don’t really like my place of escape to be known has unreal, because it is very real to me, and is based on reality. Surrealty to me is taking the pain out of reality, and making a more bearable reality for oneself. (please don’t give me shit about the dangers and stupidity of living in one’s own world, because you wouldn’t tell me anything I hadn’t heard before). The X is just a value for anything. Meaning that I ‘surrealise’ anything that I wish. So in effect, it is “surreal[anything/everything]”. If you understood any of this, I’m impressed.
Hey everyone,
Thanks to everyone who answered and I hope more ppl. will. You all have cool reasons, but the reason I picked mine kinda sucks. I choose Chastity b/c it’s something that is so prised in society today, yet it is of really no importance. I knoiw that may not make sense, but it’s how I feel. “Being chaste” is such a big deal for some ppl, and in a away, this is a way to become more pure forme, and drastically different then who I really am.
Plus my real name is way to ditzy, and it drives me mental. LOL
Night all!! Kisses! Oh, and if anyone is ever bored, feel free to email me. I’m beginning to feel like the only person who’s up at 2 in the morning!!
I don’t sleep…
I choose mine becausemost people see evil as being dark. And I like to think I bring a new and twisted meaning to darkness. Hence the name.
Mine came from the fact that most of the stuff that goes on around me fills me with contempt. Its pretty my much how I regard life and this existence we all have.
My names the name of the character in my on-line novel at http://free.7host05.com/Voltarrens/index.html which I am continually writing and have been for the past year. So far there’s only two chapters up, but there’s at least another 20 behind it. Anyone want to read it, enjoy…
I don’t really know where I got my name from. I write a lot of fictional stories, and I have a lot of made up names in them. When I made this name it was for and RPG chatroom. The character I made up was Avalani… a newly created vampire. And I’ve loved the name ever since and I used it for everything. Even my email comes from Avalani Valisette.
Well my nick that goes with all the posts: iDraTherbEan+gel comes from the fact that at the moment I dont really feel good and like wanting-to-live…and some time ago I saw this (stupid) Film “City of Angels” and I somehow felt “Hej, that’d be sth for me…id rather want to be an angel, fetching the souls of dead people and be there for others (like I like to do now already)”…well.,..guess that might change somewhen and then Ill have a new name with a new meaning and a new background 🙂
The otherone “BlackFeather” (wich actually is part of “BlackFeatherSmith”) came to me like this:
Black: Is my favorite colour
Feather: I like to write short storys and poems and feathers were a tool for writing and so…
well…thats me
My name comes from a cross between my own nickname and net name. My real name is Vicky but people call me Vix. I used to use the net name Exodus until i decided i wanted to be unique and call myself Vixodus. It makes exodus more individual because the word exodus mean a journey by a group of people to escape a hostile environment. I figured putting my name with it and using Vixodus could smybolise my own personal journey away from a metaphorical hosilte environment.
I liked this thread, was interesting to read about why people chose their names.
My name was the name me and my ex-girl Nancy adopted when we were 17ish.
She was always a creature of light and she brought all the beauty and sunshine and passion into my life that I’d been missing. I’m the dark part – purely on a superficial basis – I was never really dark, that’s just the way people see me when they don’t know me that well.
I don’t even know why I still use this name. I actually resent it. There’s only one person in the world who only sees light in me, and thats half of why I love him.
Any suggested name changes would be welcome. Thanks. Damian.
well, insertnameheres name was chosen by insertnamehere because insertnamehere chose it from the depths of insertnameheres heart, insertnameheres name means everything to insertnamehere, insertnamehere also like to refer to insertnamehere in the 3rd person.
insertnamehere: owch that hurt my head.
Mine sorta just same to me, but it’s also partly to do with childhood dreams, and also when you are left in a dream, like for instance i was woken up just before i approached my house and so i was left out in the rain. I hate that. *shrugs*
My name was spoken widely in the realm of lost kings, egypt. So thus i adopted it..
AvatarZero just overall describes how I feel and what I was told all my life by most people…..that id never amount to nothing…
avatar means the concrete manifestation of an abstract concept or in mythology a physical manifestation of a diety.
and Zero is self explanatory…nothing, naught, nil, having no value or worth.
As far as i can remember ive been told i wasnt shit or wouldnt amount to anything.
Also the fact that im ignored most of the time or dont fot in anywhere or place…so i thought the name was fitting.
together the entire name literally means “the embodiment of nothing”
On the positive side of things…I find my strength in solitude and silence…..both being kin to nothingness…
Mines a cycle.
We fear the world, so to protect ourselves, we hate that which we fear. In hate, we grow paranoid, and fear even more…
it was a surrel poem/writeing thing I had to do for english, I called it Fear that which you Hate, and knew I had to shorten it so, FearHate
My name derived from the frustrating fact, that I haven’t cried since I was 13 years old. Every time I try, I end up laughing at myself and punching in my jaw and temple till I’m concussed or nil-conscious. I spent so many years desensitizing my self, killing birds, staying up for days on end watching horror movies, looking at loved ones and imagining myself brutally murdering them, submerging into Satanism and covering the walls of my bedroom in satanic pictures, the roof strung with nooses and parts of dead animals, photo’s and newspaper clippings of dead bodies. As a result of this, nothing can make me cry, it’s sad but true, even the few moments before I kill myself, I can’t cry, so I just fucking give up.
I have cried in my dreams twice now, perhaps thats my outlet?
maybe it’s not an outlet. maybe it’s a beginning. a prelude to something
not to take away from the drama of thicktears’ words, but i thought i would add my story to this motley thread we have going. I have always loved seeing what the darkness of human nature can do to people. Through observation one can ussually see a pattern, but as of now, i have yet to find one. So the chaos of man in his darkest moments became the mother of my name. The numbers are just to differentiate myself from anyone else who may use it thinking it sounds cool.
Thanks for the empathetic concerne DarkChaos769, and I didn’t mean to steal the lime light from the true genre of this post. And to blacklight, I believe the day will come, but I’ve been in the most emotionaly distressing situations, yet still failed to weep, I predict when my mind has bettered and evolved back to ‘as close as possible’ to a sane and healthy human, I may be able to experience the shock, beauty and serenity of crying once again. Anyway, back to the question (sorry about my little bitch session) Why did all of you’s name your selves the way in which you did and whats the backround to it?
well, the Xx is kinda just my thing i supose… it represents the pain and darkness inside me that doesn’t show on the surface. And i chose KiTTEN cuz i luv the band kittie, and cuz i love the graceful, slick, suductive atmosphere of cats.
thicktears, i think you’re trying too hard. you’re putting too much importance on the tears, and all that matters is the feeling. If you can understand what’s going on in your own head, does the physical manifestation really matter?
My name is pretty self explanitory. I hate my life and wish it could end. I’ve tried killing myself numerous times. I get the blonde because I have naturally blonde hair.
the stars are always present but you can’t truley see them untill the darkness comes,they go togather
thicktears and blacklight: Tears matter to some degree. Remember that humans are just organic machines where all thought and emotion is a chemical reaction. Depression is usually the result of some imbalance in your brain. It has been proven that crying actually does act to fix this imbalance and that is also why you fell “better” afterwards.
blacknstars: nice!
I wish I could learn how to cry. Some emotions I can’t let go that it hurts inside.
This may sound silly, but get VERY drunk and then try to cry… it is so much easier then. The only problem was it didn’t make me feel very much better afterwards, because of the hang over. But I hope that it has maybe broken the dought enough for me to be able to do it sober – next time I try.
lol surreal you finally said something I like.
I don’t drink, pitty
I can’t drink … Not on the drugs I’m on. That’s a sure way for me to end up dead. But it still made me smile.
Well I changed my name now so recently and though maybe I should post why 🙂
My new name being SarAndi comes from this:
My parents had “planned” me to (finally) be a daughter. We talked about it a few days ago and I wanted to know, what name I would have gotten, if I should have really been a girl, but sadly my parents couldnt remember. But my mother said, that she would have wanted to call me Sarah… So now I though Id mix up that and my name-> SarAndi (my real name is Andreas, but most call me Andi)
Hmmm, all of these are very interesting and i’ve enjoyed reading why everyone has chosen their names for, well…names, for lack of a better word. My nick is Casper. A friend’s aquaintance mentioned that i looked as if i were glowing in the dark one night as we walked down the road and mention that i resembled a ghost. Next thing i know, i’m being called Casper 24/7 😉 Sticks like peanut butter. Since Casper is originally a boy in the movie (and i’m a girl) it seemed reasonable to add the last three letters of my last name…and poof, Casperette…lol, appeared out of thin air. Hope this sheds some light as to why i chose this name. Thanks everyone for the explanations, it has been interesting reading them.
Fare thee well,
Mine came from a poem I once wrote called Rose Tears. I don’t remember all of it, or maybe I lost it, but the last line said, “These are your Rose tears”. I may have been writing a poem about death and roses or something. And because it’s a play on words like Evil Courage. Also because I think everything in nature cries–esp. roses at a funeral.
There is a song called black eyed angel of dawn that I like so people started calling me angel of dawn/ black eyed angel that is how I came to this name. I also am a dark sided angel.
Mine comes from a nickname…
An ex-boyfriend once said to me “you’re beautiful”, to which I replied “I’m a mess.” Then he said “Well you’re a Beautiful Mess” and it stuck.
lol..i suppose i’ve got the worst reason…i read some stuff on the vampires site and wanted to post something so the 1st namethat popped into my mind i kept that ..it was vampyra but there was already another person called so , so i added my birth year with a zero at the end….but most ppl have cool reasons to keep names here..esp darkchaos