A test

I dont know what it is about me, I just seem to find trouble. Its pretty easy i guess when ur always lookin for it. Dont get me wrong im far from stupid and i cant say im unlucky becaus im not. I have eveything i want i just need the challenge.
Look i been in and out of the ring my whole life fighting for what i belive in. I will never back down i cant its in my blood not too and it burns it burns so bad. Adrenilyn its like smack u become dependent u use then u become amune. Withdraw to someting ur body produces is far from ordinary think about it u produce adreilyn to give u an edge ur stronger and faster when ur in the zone. for me i was always in the zone. i felt no pain i was so powerfull i was at a point in my life where nothing could hurt me.
Living with out weaknees is not very healthy. Adrenilyn speeds up ur hart rate and strips years of ur life. So my power was my weakness , its funny hearing how ur going to die . It really makes u think. The thoughts in my head were of nothing, becaus thats what i had , nothing. I was 14 years old wishing to be the best and the best gave me a death sentance.
Now befor u think this is a sadd story u have to think Im a fighter iv been through worse than this. so i figured i needed to slow my hart down, but how do u do that? Well u die or at least some of u dies. Now there are many ways to die which would serve me best . The doctors suggested morphine to well putt me to sleep. In all seriousness doctors dont hand out morphine pakets but my life was on the line.
The morphine numbed my insides turning me to ice i loved every minute of this endevuior fighting for my life. Games thats all they are just games thats anything. Life is nothing but a game compared to death and even though this story has been tremendusly fabricated it did happen to me. Even though my life wasnt in jepordy in this occurance i have faced death more than once in my days on this Earth. This story is just a test to see if im up to par with the writers on this site. Im seventeen my game Strength . What is yours?

By vengfulcloud47

i belive strength is the key to evolution and i wish to evolve first. My tactics and skill have given me limitless potential and i plan to use it.