(Once again, I put my religious rambling warning before this piece.)
Ashes on my forehead, I start to walk out of the church tonight. I pass by the confessional, and remember the 3 months of sins that I want to get off of my chest. I get into the line, which has tripled in length (I suppose from Mardi Gras) and I decide to stand and wait it out.
I see the line move forward slowly, and I begin to review my past actions. I still have a dispute with another priest, one whose snide remarks and self-vanity have caused me to despise him to the point that I do not care to serve as an Alter Boy anymore.
“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been 3 months since my last confession”
“Three months?… Continue.” I said how I was patronized by him repeatedly, including once during Christmas Midnight Mass. (I compare it to a Ref kicking out a Coach in the Superbowl’s first half)
“That is all, Father” But I knew that it wasn’t. I wanted to come out about my vampirism, but remembering the little joke of biting a minister to get a taste of religion, I decided to hold it back. Besides, how would I explain my thirst for blood? It would be too difficult for me to explain.
He gave me a good explanation about my problem. Although we cannot argue with Priests, the actions that the other priest were done with a secular reasoning in his heart. In effect, his actions were not of a priest, but as if he were off of the clock. He reminded me of our teachings of staying meek and humble. I wonder if he would consider vampires as an evil or not.
“Thank you, Father” I got up and started to leave…..Shaking my head, I realized that I was still in line. At least now, I was the next in line.
The person in the confessional left, and now it really was my turn to go into the dark room. As I closed the small door behind me, I knelt on the step there, and saw an eerie blue transluscent light fall upon me, with a shadow in the shape of his profie. I began as I had imaginged it earlier, but I decided to add a little more than before.
“Father, I want to confess something that I do not know is a sin or not. But I do wish to confess it to someone. I have this urge…”
“Fornication?” He asked, expecing the same old conversation.
“No, it is not about sex or anything sexual”
“Oh, well, then… does it break a commandment?”
“Perhaps the tenth… ‘Coveting thy neighbor’s goods’…”
“You wish to take without permission? If it is only a temptation, you haven’t committed a sin yet. Perhaps if you ask, permission will be given unto you, and it will not be a sin.” He seemed to make sense, even if he didn’t know exactly what I was craving for. I thanked him for his help, and began to leave.
“Do you want your absolution, my son?” he asked, causing me to turn back around.
“Just put it on my tab, I’m nowhere near being absolved.” I then left the dark confessional, and the light inside the church seemed to be just a little brighter. As I knelt at the communion rail, I felt that Jesus’ eyes on the large crucifix were fixed on me, trying to give me comfort and guidance.
My priest knows about my vampirism, and doesn’t see it as a sin. Then again, if you believe in transubstantiation, I’ve been a vampire since I had my first Communion at age eleven.
I admit, I do get a rush from Communion, but I still haven’t figured out if it’s the Communion itself or if I’m feeding psychically from the priest and the parishioners…
The advice is good. I’d take it as it was given – no matter the situation. It was said, and it makes sense. Vampirism is not a sin. Bad intentions are sin, and nothing more. Everything else is nature, and nature cannot be called sin. Although so many do try to make it so…
If you liked this, parts 2 through 5 are on my website, under the ‘submitted writings’ section…