
I am in a dilemma…I like 2 girls…one I can’t ever date (Chelsy) because of her religion (Mormon) but I like her friend (Angela) also. What should I do?

I wouldn’t want to hurt 1 or the other… the friend likes me and I like her but the other would be depressed because of her situation please help!

Some time I can swear Angela and me seam like we are meant for each other like soul mates but the other girl might swear revenge (she has before to others).

So if any 1 can help please do


By Daynte666

I may be young but I am now turning gothic and I love vampires. My parents don't care so i live a semi-happy life


  1. Okay, i can help you because i have been in sort of the exact same situation, only i was on the other end.

    A few years back I was held back by a strict religion (jehovahs witness) and there was a guy that liked me but we couldn’t date because i wasn’t allowed to.

    It’s a little bit different because he didn’t like my friends, but his best friend liked me.

    Anyway, I was so convinced that me and this guy would be together forever that i left my religion for him, screwing my life up tragically in the process.

    Anyway, things got messed up because him and his best friend both liked me.

    My advice to you would be to think long and hard before you do anything. If both of the girls like you then if you date either of them it is inevitable that the other one will be hurt.

    As for the girl in the religion – it seems like she is the one you really like and the only way you’d ever get to be with her is if you promise her things you never intend to go through with – i.e. promising her the world. And if she loves you enough she’ll give up everything she knows for you.

    But be warned, things like this always end in disaster, and when they do it’s not hard to get away from.

    So if it was me, i’d just move on, because there are plenty of people out there that can make you happy, theres no point in jumping at the first opportunity you get when you know it will all end badly – one way or another.

    Good luck with this one,


  2. Wow ~ i’ve never met a Mormon!

    Anyway, does Chelsy like you? You said Angela does, but not Chelsy and if she isnt so keen i dont see why she should be hurt…

    If you feel you and Angela are meant for eachother, then there’s obviously something sparking – why dont u talk to Angela and ask her to talk to Chelsy, or even talk to Chelsy yourself. Tell her you feel something between you and Angela and *Maybe* she wont mind. It depends on how you feel… It’s tricky, and if Chelsy likes you, girls arent always exactly willing to be happy about their friends going with the one they fancy!!!

    If, on the other hand, you prefer Chelsy there’s not really a lot you can do if her religion wont let you be 2gether.
    2 of my good friends were going out in secret, because the girl, Sarz, was a jehovers witness, and her Mom found out and she had to break up. It was really sad cos there are sooo meant for eachother!!

    Like Vixodus said though, there are loads more girls in this world and if you believe in “true love” and that you can only love one person, then it’s obviously not love – though it can be just for fun!

    It’s tricky !! If you care about them and either isn’t happy with it then leave it be… Friendship is so important !!

    Anyway there’s my advice, Crap or Good it’s there! *~*Broken*~* xxx

  3. To me it seems the opposite vix, it seems as though Angela is the way to go.

    You said it feels like you’re soul mates sometimes. Some people don’t even see that in their lives, so I don’t think you should let it go willingly just in case something bad happens. I think you should try to get a little closer, just to see what happens. See if it becomes something strong, Otherwise you might never know right?

    As for the other girl, there’s no point pining away after something you’ll never have. We’ve all wasted time doing that and it gets us fuck all. Probably part of her charm is the fact you can’t touch her.

    I agree though that it takes time and patience to know what’s right.

    Just remember, when the time comes it won’t BE a decision that has to be made. It’ll just happen and you’ll get carried along with it.
    As for the revenge, don’t worry yourself about it. It may or may not happen, and you can’t spend your life not taking chances.

    See ya in a few, Dam

  4. Don’t mess with religion. Your in for a big shit.

    My advice is that stop acting gay and get yourself a future. Your too fucking young to talk about soul mates whatever, grow up there are alot more women are there. And women are not the answer for the emptiness on one’s soul. So stop acting like your inlove with the right person.

    And if you gotta hurt someone for you to be happy then do it. It is the fact of life “you laugh, I cry”.

    (and I was wondering why my post two days ago wasn’t on yet. I think it may be banned coz of explicit and sadistic violence)

  5. My advice? ignore the guy that posted the comment above mine. If you really like Angela, go for her…you said you wouldn’t be allowed to date the other girl anyway, so you may as well be happy. And if Chelsy believes truly, she won’t give up her religion for you. I’ve been in the position of having to choose between what I believe in and the guy I thought I loved, and I discovered that changing or forsaking my religion was NOT worth it.
    Good luck…
    *witch girl*

  6. hey mate, you may never have anyone ever like you again… so ignore religion, and just go with what may give you some degree of happiness. Who cares if she hurts… in a couple years when she feels free to go out with you, she will no longer want you, and you will have lost out. Get what you can, while you can, and kill yourself later. Don’t care about anyone else because they will never care about you.

  7. There are alot of fcking women out there. Some of us thinks we’ll love another much like before but we end up loving another much better than before.

    Its the fact of life. Get some life.

    The real person for you is just there. trust me. Maybe here.

  8. hey i can kinda relate 2 wat ur sayin in a way…1 of ma best guy frends liked dis gurl yeh but he didnt talk 2 her taht much an she didnt like him at all…he wld come 2 me 4 advice cuz shes 1 of ma best frends as well….neways i found out i started 2 like this guy and i talk 2 him like a soulmate….well neways he went out wit ma frend an they had a shit time, barely talkin an wen they did it was all small talk well they broke up an i went out wit him….i told u we were like soulmates an weve bein goin out 4 almost a year….go 4 the gurl u feel most comfortable with not the 1 u ‘think’ u like the most…but think carefully cuz ma advice mite b shit…good luck with wateva happens…
    ant xxx

  9. hey i can kinda relate 2 wat ur sayin in a way…1 of ma best guy frends liked dis gurl yeh but he didnt talk 2 her taht much an she didnt like him at all…he wld come 2 me 4 advice cuz shes 1 of ma best frends as well….neways i found out i started 2 like this guy and i talk 2 him like a soulmate….well neways he went out wit ma frend an they had a shit time, barely talkin an wen they did it was all small talk well they broke up an i went out wit him….i told u we were like soulmates an weve bein goin out 4 almost a year….go 4 the gurl u feel most comfortable with not the 1 u ‘think’ u like the most…but think carefully cuz ma advice mite b shit…good luck with wateva happens…
    ant xxx

  10. There is one thing people need to know in the real world, life’s a bitch, ok… so what do we do now? Well if you can’t date Chelsy, and you like Angela then go out with Angela; if Chelsy has a problem with it then tell her to go fuck herself because she isn’t a friend to you. It’s all about making yourself happy, who cares what other people think. Chelsy can’t date, so why should her problems be pushed on you?

  11. Just stay cool with both of them, but choose a different fish from our vast sea… Unless temptation overwelm’s you?

  12. that doesn’t always work though. i mean i tried to stay away from dominic, i tried to be his best friend, i tried to be something i wasn’t – and it wasn’t the fact temptation overwhelmed me either. I resigned myself to the fact I could never touch him. And I pretty much gave up on being happy, because nobody else would ever compare.
    In the end, he made the first move, and thank fuck for that, because I was dying inside.

    Anyway, erm, I doubt this guy/girl is so far gone. But I’m just pointing out the flaw in your logic. Late, D

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