
“…a metallic syndrome…”

flocks of innocent colors
sift through feathered skies
straining and bending
the virgin pearl blushes
she draws the shades
seperates the black from dark
my only sin
a metallic syndrome
ripping at my glass
bullet proof
is there nothing left to take
through the gauze of memory
its an invasion
its far to late

By The Evil Cheezman

Purveyor of sacred truths and purloined letters; literary acrobat; spiritual godson of Edgar Allan Poe, P.T. Barnum, and Ed Wood; WAYNE MILLER is the head architect of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, serving up the finest in entertainment and edification for the stage, the page, and the twain screens, silver and computer. He is the axe-murderer who once met Andy Griffith.