As I look around at others around me, I wonder if they feel as bleak and as dark as I do. Do they give up what I’m not willing to? Even those who are dressed in bright colors. Costums come in many shades. Even those that seem happy have a story to tell. Some are sappy some are crappy, it’s all the same. But what do they give up for that happiness? It’s not as if a sacrifice comes just with being unhappy. It can escourt the bordomn from one sichuwation to another.
I do know that for what it’s worth, I won’t sell out and sacrifice myself for the sake of those you aren’t me and would like me more if I were fake. Those people don’t even know me. But who really knows anyone? If I have to sacrifice myself to be happy, I rather be miserable, it’s just too high a price that I am not willing to pay. No one should have to pay it, because it will only make us hollow in the end. And how happy could that possiblely make someone?
Then people wonder why I am so angery about how people work things. High School is a popularity contest and it dosen’t get much better once you get out. Eveyone is always looking for the biggest the brightest and the best. There would be no best without the worst, and likeable without the unlikeable. Why not be grateful for what is rarely seen and blossoms when no one is watching? Because your not seeing the best and brightest when your not watching. It’s those that seem interesting that aren’t , because a mask always hides and interests.
Agree or Disagree:
A) Agree
C)All of the above
D)none of the above