Once upon a time there was a girl who belived in love. She loved one person so much she would have done ANYTHING for them. But that person never really returned her love. At least, the girl never sensed that she did.
This person, in fact, hurt the girl more than the girl ever dreamed possible. So the girl set out for revenge. Once, when the girl was dating this person, she cheated on her with the persons closest friend. She stole the one person this person was deeply in love with, and directed their love twords her instead. She could tell that this hurt the other person deeply.. yet she still wasnt satisfied. *What must I do to get her back?* thought the girl. *the pain in my heart.. the pain she left.. it wont ever go away.. not untill I’ve hurt that person as they hurt me so long ago.*
For YEARS this went on.. the person and the girl hating eachother.. mostly over that one particular love intrest.. Stacey. The girl hated the pain that was eating away her heart and soul, placed there so many years before, by this person who she never belived cared for her. She wonderd what she could have done differently in the past.. and what she could do now. She didnt trust most relationships anymore.. particularly because of this person.
Even the person and the girl’s best friend Cara tried to get the person and the Girl to stop fighting.. because Cara wanted them to be friends.. but it never worked. On and on went the relentless fighting.
Finally, the girl sat down at her computer, and decided to type an apology to the person. It went something like this:
Dear Person
Im sorry for all the wrong I have done in your life over the years. I hate fighting with you.. expecially over trivial things in the past. I realize that the fact that we dated AND that we both dated Stacey has gotten severly in the way of what once was a beautiful friendship.. but I do *so* wish we could reconcile our differences and be friends once again. I realize Ive done a lot of bad in out past.. but Im not the only one to blame. However, I am willing to look past it.. if you can accept my apology… I love you as a sister, and as a friend..
The Girl
and then the girl tried her hardest to muster up the courage to send this apology letter…
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