First off, yes i might only be 17 years of age, you might call me a ‘dumb youngin'( and the word ‘fag’ upsets me). But i was doing my usual search, and studying other religons like i’ve done for the last 6 yrs. i ran across a christian site… and it made me /sick/. i’m talkin completely nauseous. I read over the site and i read.. and read… and i noticed on the side
‘Remember Matthew Shepard 1977-1998’ with a picture of him and flames..
the picture hit me as well as the name and i remembered who he was, the name might ring a bell to some of you
i would like to pass this on, to anyone who would care to look; yes i know not all christians are like *this* but.. these are the kind that give them a bad stereotype…
the part that urged me to post
I’m a Christian too, I’m queer, and stuff like that makes me see red. But I’m not going around slamming – oh, let’s pretend the webmaster of that site was left handed – all southpaws just because some southpaws are bigots.
Using bigotry as an excuse to justify your own bigotry is just plain juvenile. A pity it’s all too common.
I was only able to read for about 30 seconds before there were tears in my eyes.
This sort of hate is among the worst of evils – the type that deceives people into thinking it’s not evil.
This site you directed us to… this is not true Christianity. It is a vile corruption of what should be pure, masquerading under an “acceptable” label.
This site doesn’t even make much of an attempt to fit in with actual Christian doctrine. Right there at the beginning, there’s a cute little cartoon saying “God hates fags.”
I don’t think so.
The true Christian God… the one that so few people look towards, preferring the corrupted vision of the same, is supposed to be absolutely good in every possible regard. Such a God would surely be incapable of hate.
There are precious few things left that genuinely make me react this strongly. At Matthew’s “Days in Hell” counter, my jaw dropped and I immediately began to sob.
It’s been mentioned at this site several times that there’s a big difference between darkness and evil. Tonight I’ve seen the worst kind of evil. Irrational hatred, incapable of being reasoned with.
And the part that makes my stomach churn the worst is that I don’t know a thing I could do to change it.
I have seen a lot of things on the web; I have heard that such things existed. However, there is no way that such a behavior can be in any fashion justified. The most rabid muslims who blow up airplanes full of civilians dont have that kind of evil in their souls.
Were I to be a godly kind of person, that would disgust me from religion for ever. Its no wonder that so many folks all over the world turn away from religion when you see the kind of wingnuts that crawl out from under their rocks. I wonder wich demon really is corrupting paradise.
Oh and by the way, they seem to have forgotten another christian tennet:
“do unto others as would have done unto you”
Freedom of speach sometime comes at a steep price indeed.
that christian site disgusts me. these vile christians disgust me. they once had a religion that was pure and true. then it was corrupted. God would be ashamed of all those who claim to do these disgusting acts in his name. i used to be christian but then i said fuck it because of the way i was treated by the rest of the church and my christian family. i am almost scared to become one again, even though i worship many gods and goddesses, just because of the discrimination going on throughout the congregation. i will say a hail Mary for all you false believers out there and i hope you will allow yourself to see the truth before your final hour.
I have never posted before but when I read
this and linked on to the site I was shocked.
People who are this prejudiced make me sick to
my stomach. It is also the fact they hide their
hatred of others in the guise of religious
It’s really disgusting that there are some people
out there who are still so bigoted against others,
for whatever warped reason they have justifying it.
That page, truthfully made me sick to my stomach. I must admit, when it comes to my beliefs in god, i am completely confused as to what to believe. And that page is promoting nothing but hatered and I can at least hope that a “TRUE” christian(whatever that may be) would have the decency to not do something like that!!!!! That truely saddens me.
heh. that site is fucking hillarious! try
quite amuzing as well, in a different way though.
That site pisses me off. Saying someone is condemned to hell is no humans’ right, especially judging others in such a manner. I agree though, not all christians are bad, but the ones that are do give a rather negative connotation to the rest of the christian community.