Has anyone noticed lately how the world is going to shit? I mean maybe its just us but everything seems to be fucking up.i mean come on look at all the destruction goin on all becasuse of the choice of our so called LEADER *applause* PRES BUSH. basically we think its all his fault hes not only affecting us but the whole world in the process by pulling in england as an alie. has anyone watched the news lately?? a while back they did a special showing how england detested going to war for us and yet look at what happened…WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
whateve happened to wanting to make world peace?
RESPONSE: we invented nuclear weapons to create world peace… destruction to destroy destruction? makes since to whoever isnt involved. BLAME CANADA
There was a theory that a friend of mine had. “There will be no world peace until the mankind destroys the existance of man.”
you know that was Akasha’s wish in the book Queen of the Damned, by anne rice, she was saying how the only way there would be peace by literialy killing all the me except every one in a hundred? or was it a thousand. But anyway it seems the same no?
all the men!! i hate this glitch!
I agree, TO much shit going on, and people are just bastards..and closed-minded… at least thats what i think.
sry. everyone I am new and that was the first thing I read and ive been having hard times not being able to tell the world to just disappear, im sick of it all.. anyway my name is mysticraine aka..starlynnkitty, or paticka! im always available practically.. i write stories, and im currently writing a novel.. only one chap done tho.. but i will finish it! tehe!
~mystic raine~
Hey, I like canada, thank you very much! We have totally cool beer commercials!! (lol)
It’s ironic that some of the people who were trying to help the world the most will be at fault for destroying it, most notably Enric Fermie.
“We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of Peace.” — William E. Gladstone —
I like the quote, Profligacy, well put…….
….but people just aren’t like that all over, there will be the few who will know and the rest will go on there marry way oblivious to what is.
People are individuals, people don’t like change and that is what causes most of the problems. Even though they may say vehemently and with conviction that they want peace, they do quite the opposite in their actions. They can make something so simple into something incomprehensibly complex and in the process loose their way. I don’t agree with the governments of the world, they act like large clumsy blind animals, or act as vultures for their own greedy ends.
Those few people who are awake in the world live amongst the rest who are but the walking dead.
I agree with Voltarrens! Not many people are smart enough to open their eyes to the truth! And some simply refuse to see the truth… Even those who work all their lives trying to make ends meet and think they are doing the right thing die in vain. Only those already at the top are rewarded without trying. Farewell….
“All peace will ever bring is war.” ~ Unknown
I think you are quite right Voltarrens, but I don’t think humanity will be like this forever. Mankind, as with other animals has changed through evolution. And maybe, just maybe this also means that we will evolve into wiser, more empathic, less cruel and better humans as time goes by? If I’m right about this it will still take a very long time before we gets much better.
Or maybe we will just stay the way we are with death, destruction, cruelty, misery, pain, stupidity and such repeating over and over again. If that is so, love, greatness, pleasure, happiness and other good things will also continue and “forever” (in 500 million years mother earth is too hot for us to live and in 4000 million years the sun will die. But that IS a long time forward and much can happen until then…) last as much as the bad things, and that it is not a very pessimistic outlook is it?
Though there always as long as we keep such stupid things as nuclear weapons, the chance for extinction of humanity is always there, but somehow I’m pretty sure that won’t happen.
And even if all our nuclear weapons were used at once, life on earth wouldn’t be dead. Humanity most certainly would, as so with most of the animals and plants on earth, but I’m sure there is many insects of various species that would have survived. Maybe the first creature from earth that would set its feet on Mars will be something that looks like a cockroach? 🙂
But even though that I belive that we all will not die soon and that mankind will still exist in a thousand years from now, and that we after all have gotten better than we was say thousand years from now, I still belive that there will happen some very bad things in our near future. I think the next 100 years will be worse than the last hundred. There are some things that humanity just will have to learn the hard way…
I MUST learn to check my post before I post it…
I wrote: “and that we after all have gotten better than we was say thousand years from now”
I did of course mean: “and that we after all have gotten better than we was thousand years back in time”
Oh well, life is a good thing, whether it be finite or infinite use for the best for yourself and all others.
The few who are awking soul can be the guiding light for more to come.
On another note, structurally man’s brain has not changed much in the past 30,000 years or so. Even though we may think that we have evolved quite far along the ladder in terms of progress, we think still much the same as man did then.
“my child, let the evening forgive the mistakes of the day, and thus win peace for herself.”
~ senor MONK
The world “is” going to shit. Though not cause of war, its because of overpopulation. I think that society will collapse within the next 20-50 years. The only war then will be over water, air, and food. Even at that time, if any government still stands. . .they will find some way to make a tax on oxygen. Its fcked up, but then again all my opinions are.
Are not.
I think that the human race is not evolving but devolving(not literally), society seems to become dumber and dumber as time goes on. The vast majority of people are ignorant and blind. And the government is only a refection of that. This devolution will only stop when we are so far down the path of destruction we have no choice but to yet again evolve. When we are cleansed of our greed and stupidity (if that can ever happen) Then and only then will things start getting better. But I think even if that happens, we will inevitably turn to our old ways, and the same will happen. The only hope we have is that each time we move foreword more then backwards.
And insertnamehere I take it your recent posts can be accredited to your new found Buddhism, or you path to it, I rather like the words of wisdom you interject. But you don’t seem to post any of you own words now.
Today I leave you with two of my favorite quotations.
“I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.” —Albert Einstein—
“The whole country is one vast insane asylum and they’re letting the worst patients run the place.” —Robert Welch—
i am not yet a monk, for all whos wondering, im only 15 yrs of age for the first part, nice quotes though profligacy.
“ah my child, insert is right, those are some very famous quotes indeed, now let me shsre one of mine, with you, my child”
“the fireflies twinkling in the leaves, make the stars wonder…”
“light thinks it travels faster than anything, but the light is wrong, because no matter how fast light travels, it finds that the darkness has got there first, and is waiting for it…..”
Good quotes…could we see some more?
“ah, my child, i do not quote for entertainment, i quote for those who need a quote to help them see the truth, come to me with a problem, and i shall come to you with a quote, to brighten up your day.”
If you wish, ‘insertnamehere’, but I don’t believe you can help me much with the problem I have at the moment as it requires a lot of time and patience to work it through.
But if you like, leave a quote under my “Love and Death” post, it says it all…
ah, my child, and where will i find this “love and death” post at??
You’ll find it under the topic of Death on Darkness, ‘insertnamehere’.
Stop reading/watching the news and the world will no longer be going to shit. First, you won’t realize it if it is; so you can at least be happy until the nuclear bomb kills you. Second, if everybody stopped watching the news, there would be less cause for bad news; world leaders would no longer be able to gain fame by starting wars.
I agree to some extent on this, but not all news is bad if it sticks to the facts, which I find a lot of it doesn’t. I don’t watch the news that much anymore.
Yep, world leaders can be the cause of inciting a conflict, more often than not due to greed or cempetition or the biggest one of them all ‘fear’. And they’re too busy looking over the fence at the other guy and not taking care of their own backyard. They never realise how overgrown their own once beautiful garden is now. Nor can they see their own bad traits, believe that they are right and that the other is wrong in their view of things. They don’t seem to accept that others can be different, or even bother to find out the truth at all.
Your opinions aren’t fucked up CheshireGriffinx.
You just named some of the biggest threats to humanity in our near future.
Overpopulation and lack of water will most likely be the reason for many bloody wars. An enourmous amount of people will die from conflict, from thirst, from starvation and from diseases.
I’m really happy I don’t live in the middle east where I don’t think the future is too bright. I’m also happy I don’t live in the US, because I have a feeling its future isn’t the brightest either. I don’t think pointing out similarities between the roman empire and the USA is so stupid anymore…
I really hope there is something beyond death for everybody, another life perhaps?
I’m not a religious person, but I don’t think that it is unlikely that we reincarnate. After all it seems strange for something to come from nothing. Nothing really stops existing, matter transforms into energy and energy transforms into matter. That our consciousness just stops to exist seems strange to me. There are many that try to explain consciousness as just a reflection of an entitys possibilitys, a fly is much more limited than a human, and a computer much more limited than a fly.
But I don’t think that really can explain life and the consciousness of living things that we sometimes call soul.
There will only be a war over over popluation and lack of water if we sit by and let it happen. Even though we as indiviuals may feel that we are just one and cannot makes effects on the world as a whole, the more who stand up with the same, the more that things will change. It is worth it to make one voice heard so others may be encouraged to do the same, as many of us do here.
But think about it. If there is a lack of water there can be no over population in the long run. I know this sounds damning, but one cancels the other out. People need to learn how to not over populate and stop wasting and use our limited resources better. It requires some sacrfice on the part of indiviuals to make the whole.
Though have not many tried before to stand up and change the world? And how many that’ve failed? Though many here would be willing to speak their minds. . .would they take action to it? Besides, to every person willing to become a martyr to change the way things are for the better. There are 1000 more who will try to stop it from happening. People are afraid of change. It is simply that they do not realize that their ways will be the death of them. I respect your post voltarrens, as well as I believe that there need be the persons to stand up and speak. I do believe tho, that it is too late to reverse the damage already done. In some cases, too late to stop what is to come.
Arhh, too true, we can see it in history everyhwere written.
However I meant speaking up to have a voice in small ways. Of course not many will martyr themselves, not many feel that strongly. I wasn’t expecting thunder and lightning, just a few drops of rain. Even a small voice ‘saying’ and added to all the other small voices ‘saying’ and if enough get together cause a flood.
I know that most are afraid of change and are being told they are being afraid of change, lulled into the idea. “If you sell your soul to the Devil, your selling yourself to the idea.”
We who are awake need to help others wake….
hmmm. . .I’m out of words, on that last sentence you gave me a writers block.
It may be the only thing that can save this world. For everyone to awaken to the truth.
i think wut u write is wuts all on our minds and were just the ones to afraid to speek but ur not
thanx everyone…….me and darkenigma thought we should rant about hwo we felt about the gov and this shit is what came out….glad yall agree