Why the need for so much secrecy lately? (I would have just posted this on chat board but not sure who would see it other than the regulars who post there and I see their names 🙂
I love seeing all the varied opinions and thoughts…But how much do you believe them yourself if you won’t share the name behind the view? There is no need to hide here…I thought that was one of the great things about this place. No need for hiding…no need to fear…
If you have an opinion, please use a name:) I understand the cookie thing but you can still sign your name within your post. There are too many named Anonymous so how are we to reply to so many different ones? Maybe it’s just me that is confused by so many with the same name:)
I agree, fragilesin, I cannot sometimes help myself to pass over an article when I see Anonymous at its beginning. It makes me feel that that person did not feel what they were saying as well, that maybe it was posted to just vent something without wanting to own it, which is like screaming at a wall: all you hear is the voice coming out of you, and it just comes back to you continuously.
But to those who do post Anonymously, your thoughts and feelings are welcome here. That is why it is called Darksites, because the mind has dark, unacceptable thoughts that might not be welcome in another place. They are very welcome here, and you must be open minded about a little challenge to what you do have to say… but you will never be beat up for it, at least not by those of us with a brain, and there are a lot of brains hanging around on these walls. hehehe :-))
Ok, so here is the joke on me for the day, I just previewed what I wrote above, and it called me Anonymous, so if that’s the problem then I guess I am gonna have to sign this… in the meantime, SIRE!!!!!!!, help…..I don’t wanna be anonymous anymore!!!! I like me, I really like me…
Hmmm… now that I posted it, I’m not Anonymous anymore… there’s a lesson in validity…
As BugsBunny would say, “Screwball”.
Indeed Its happened to me before, I didn’t used to have to log in. But I’m behind Fragile and Eek with this, I can repect anyones opinion as long as they are willing to stand behind it, and say yeah well thats just the way I feel. Yet if posted anonymously it seems more like some coward behind a keyboard. Its easy to hide behind a keyboard. I mean come on I’m the biggest idiot here, people hate me, I don’t hide.
you had me laughing out loud in stitches. You certainly are not an idiot…
eek13 (just in case, since it says Anonymous on the preview)
My sentiments exactly. As a matter of fact, I HATED the cookie monster for NOT allowing people to see it was me! Had Mistress (YES, Mistress…*CRACK!*)not applied my name to it, I’d never have been known for the post or two I have made.
I may be the “Goth-Curmudgeon”, But I am always willing to represent.
Virtually Thine!
i feel the same!!! i mean,i am logged IN BUT IN THE BBS WHEN I SIGN IN, IM A FUCKING ANONYMOUS! please, i want MYSELF BACK!!
and here is yet another peice of what is left of my mind.
Anyone with more than two brain cells can tell when I comment anon…and the only reason i do is when I forget to sign in and am too caught up in my ramblings to notice. Its so easy that even my beloved baby bro knows when its me….But then again…he’s a lot brighter than people give him credit for. Love ya squirt.
Just look for the ~n~ when you want to know if its the crazy bitch from southern indy speaking her mind. although, some times it might be grim, in an effort to piss me off, right bro?
I agree on the anonymous thing……but with a different perspective…….perhaps it is that these people who insist on signing without their name need to be encouraged more to free themselves from the fear of rejection or having others look down on them for speaking their true thoughts…….these are the people that need our help the most and i encourage you, my dark kin and bretheren, to help them shed their fear and let their true selves be known……….and please……make sure the cookies work from now on
I thought that was the general idea behind my original post:) To not be afraid:)
how can you lose yourself, deep down you should always know who you are and what your truly about no matter where you might be or situatuion that you are in