All this pain inside
Dreaming of suicide
Every day wanting to die
Can’t stand another lie
All this hate, building up
Over flowing the cup
Not sure if I am sane
Living my life in vain
My life will be over and done
With one shot of a gun
Looking over the edge
Wanting to fall off this ledge
All my problems drown away
My body is left to stay
Hanging from a noose
That seems far to loose
All this pain
Nothing left to gain
Wanting to end it all
With one great fall
All the time wishing I was dead
These are the thoughts inside my head
that is a poem i had to write for a writing contest at school
and the next poem is a cool poem i found but i didnt write it
Fuck the father, that shattered the dreams
Fuck the dreams, that never came true
Fuck the truth, that was always false
Fuck the lies, that will never die.
Fuck death, that never made sense
Fuck making sense to a world that’s not listening
Fuck listening to your pity cries.
Fuck crying, when nobody cares
Fuck caring when everyone’s numb
Fuck feeling anything, when you don’t feel the same.
Fuck you for making me love.
Fuck the dumb cheerleader
who slept with the football team
who got pregnant,
who had an abortion
Fuck the abortion clinics that helped her
in our world’s silent, stinging murder.
Fuck the day I would be something…
this is the house that Jack built.