Rendering flesh during its flight from inside me-
The Beast surfaces to destroy all who oppose it.
I have become the animosity, the sheer hatred.
The New Me smiles as if it hurts to be nice.
Shedding my former life – I exist now only
To be an instrument of destruction: to lay waste.
I prey on the hurt; I maim the content.
I enjoy the pain – I am the Scar on the Soul.
I punish those who don’t deserve it – more for those who do.
I delight in the throes of the damned and innocent alike.
I feed on the fear, the panic of the realization.
I was a nice guy – nobody ever expects it.
But I am no longer a he – I am an It.
I am the Beast, the Titan, the Emptiness.
The hole that was my heart now fills Me with the Void.
I’ve become the thing in the closet, under the bed, the Shadow.
I am the thing I was afraid of as a kid.
I am the Darker Side of everything.
I absorb the light, warp it, corrupt it, make it Mine.
You cannot stop me: I am every Attack and Counter-attack.
I am all Defense, all Offense, all Hopelessness, Hope, and Power.
I am the Anti-Happy.
Have a nice day – VoidsBane