The only thing I know is that I know nothing.
Anyway I´m always asking myself about everything and I try to be not influenced by Science and Religion (but I also try to be informated about it, of course).
RELIGIONS say answers for the things we cannot explain (most of the times they are human intuition, others, just imagination) and SCIENCE can only describe how the world works, giving no answers of the most important doubts.
But you only have to look around, and realize that in every creation of each piece in this world, there’s something sacred. I mean, the only EXISTENCE of everything is such a increible and wonderful thing. After this, look at the way the Universe is made, all things are in their exactly place: is PERFECT.
Why all this “effort” to keep existence of the Universe? I don’t know why are we here (and plants, animals, stars, etc) but it seems like if everything had been put in that concret place. Sometimes I feel that I am here for a reason that scapes from my logic thoughts. And sometimes happen things in my life that seems like if it were going to happen anyway, and this experiences are just made for me and for my own learning.
Strange, isn’t it?
humans are a species…that’s it. we’re a species just like cats, dogs, rabbits, donkeys, and any other mammal on this planet. everything we think we know about life is all in our head. so, if you don’t mind having your own personal look on reality, make something up. just remember that you are not the person on your driver’s license.
it really doesn’t matter why we’re here, just appreciate that we are, and make the most of it while you can. there’s no need to search for a higher purpose when there is none. if something calls to you from the heavens, then you’ll know that you have a higher purpose, and exactly what that is. but until that happens, we’re just existing on a big rock in the middle of a sea of absolutely nothing, surrounded by more rocks and various gases…perhaps even some liquids somewhere.
stop surviving and start living…evolve.
-rev. akainekora