Pain and anger Are running deep as my cries and tears begin to seep.
Author: AngelicLeFay
I am 5,4.I have long dark brown hair and blue eyes.I weigh 105lbs.I love vinyl,velvet,cosets, and pink.Im punky, romantigoth, and just me!I love meeting people and I love Europe!Especially English Guys!I love poetry,vinyl, and my little boy!
Email me!!!!
Her Dear Sweet Solitude
When I was told you died it was more obsurtity that shock My eyes questioning on skin like chalk
Feelings mixed and amused
I wanted to be with you and now I want to disapear Why did you have to run away in fear
What happened that night
I have something you must know though you may not want to hear for it is something that will make us all run away in fear