My beautiful black rose stands out among the rest. It holds more beauty than that of the surrounding roses. My rose captures more feeling. Thousands of red roses envelope my lonely rose. Yet my rose draws more attention. It strikes the eye of every passerby. Lovely, velvet, red… It makes your heart lift with joy,… Continue reading Poem – Black Rose Immortal
Author: +Lost-N-Confuzed+
I'm not x-actly sure who I am.. But I hope to figure that out soon.
POEM ~ She Would Be Loved
Some call her twisted and sick. Others a freak or weird. They don’t understand her motive. The won’t take time to understand.
This Is You
Your heart broken. Your love abused. Your life forsaken. Your body used.
I Hate You
Do you really think it’s funny, to laugh at my shattered heart? Is this some sick joke to make me feel even more worthless?
Forever Silence
Silence is usually a place of serene peacefullness, but for me it’s a dead plague that crawls this earth, and you left me here to bear it! Alone I stood in a darkened room listening to the rythmic beating of my broken heart. I needed you there to comfort me, but you were gone. You… Continue reading Forever Silence
New Comfort
I used to find it soothing to scream out all my thoughts. To make myself feel better by pointing out everyone’s faults.
The troubles of the world before her. The loss of loved ones behind her. She’s grown away from them, and they don’t seem to care.
You Can’t See Through Me
You can’t see through me. My blood runs thick and dark. You think I’m always happy. But you don’t see the blackened tears.
Why Not Suicide?
I know you think I’m psycho. Or that I have issues way too weird. And you wonder why I haven’t contemplated suicide.
If I Were On The Outside…
If I were on the outside looking in, I’d see a cheerful child with no fears in the world. Someone who could conquer anything you put before her.