“Bayne! I got an idea!!!” Bayne turned to his shoulder, raising an eyebrow. “And that would be..?” “Go back into the camp, take some food, you have to eat.”
Author: Herald of Darkness
Achymigaal : Chapters 1-4
Chapter 1: The Birth of the Herald Achymigaal, a primitive planet with mages, dragons, and many different types of sentient beings. This story involves one specific family on the planet. The Yaleasares.
Inner Conflict
Bayne sat in his throne of tangible gloom, drifting lifeless through the Demi-Plane of Darkness. “Why must conflict exist? Why cannot there not be a Single Truth. A single way? Peace… Ha… They all crave it, yet desire their conflicts more. There is only one way to have peace. I will show them.”