No, not really. I have some issues. My boyfriend Devon, yeah he wants to have sex with me. We’ve done other things a few friday nights at this ice rink…it’s like an event every friday from 8-10 we go to the ice rink and…skate..socialize..and in our case take off our skates, walk around the property… Continue reading Woot. Woot. Sex!
Author: crying_bloody_knives
Nadja’s Fantasy2
Nadja sat at the back of the media center at her school by herself. She got in trouble for talking, so the substitute teacher sent her back here to work by herself. She was reading her book when Andrew walked to another table and sat down.
Nadja’s Fantasy
Nadja sat in her seat in the back corner of the classroom. She’s not anti-social…far from it. She liked to get a view on everyone, to keep her classmates in her line of vision.
Sometimes I just want to stay locked in my room… away from the world.
Never Let You Go
darkness surrounds me its consumes me covers me protects me from the light
i’m not punk… or goth… i’ve realized… i’m a fucking messed up person who cant be classified
A New Feeling
Poetry..its short- I used to think that i was a wannabe goth…i used to think that my life wasnt so fucking bad. i never talked about my life because i didnt think it was that big of a deal…that everyone has worse lives than me so stop complaining.
I was doing some homework and one of the things I had to do was write about how I would feel if I had to get rid of some things in this list my teacher gave us. One of those things was fear.