I always thought I would live forever, or until I got tired of this world, and then I would decide to move on. I never thought it would come to this. The only person I ever loved has betrayed me more than I thought possible. I’ve been with her for nearly six years, and if… Continue reading I Thought I Would Live Forever
Author: BloodandAshes
Well I could tell you, but that would take some effort, and I'm fashionably apathetic right now, so maybe later... I would have uploaded a picture, but this only allows links. You'll just have to ask me what I look like.
The Threat of Violence
Well, since the subject of school shootings has arisen again, I would like to mention an aspect of it that is overlooked by just about everyone. Of course it’s a tragedy, and it never should have happened given the situation, but it should lead one to wonder why it happened. Now, the Columbine incident is… Continue reading The Threat of Violence
The Cost of Carma
The matter of karma came up earlier here, and it reminded me of something. I do not subscribe to the technical concept of karma, but I do believe in “what comes around, goes around.” A while back, I was thinking of the string of problems that have hounded me since junior high school, which have… Continue reading The Cost of Carma