“I’ve had enough….I’ve had enough!!” I say to myself as the blood drips down my nose, and my face burns with the new beatings I have just reseaved. I look around my dark room, not knowing what to do. This has been going on for way too long…way too long. Thinking to myself if I… Continue reading This Worthless Body
Author: ShadowOfSociety
The year of birth is not real.
I was put on this earth to curropt your naive minds...So follow me, Foolish souls.
Our Sad Reality
I will share a little piece of my mentality to all of you, for no one else dares to listen to my ideas on humanity. Society…Heh…How depressing is society. Seem’s as though every time our society improves we loose touch with ourselfs, and focus one unimportant things. We loose touch with our spirits and minds.… Continue reading Our Sad Reality