
I lay here on the cold dirty ground But they left me all alone I bleed slowly, so ever slowly I stiffen ’till I am stone

Categorized as poetic Tagged


I lay here on the cold dirty ground They left me all alone I bleed slowly, so ever slowly I stiffen ’till I am stone

Categorized as poetic Tagged


Roses, beautiful, deadly roses. They do not look as though they could harm, but they do. Grip it the wrong way and jirk back in suprise as thin streams of blood trickle down your arm. I stare at the rose that resembles the shade of my blood so perfictaly, so beautifully against it’s petals.

Never Again

I stare into the mirror, I hate my reflection. I see everything in it. I see everythig I try to hide. My black hair falls onto my face hiding another black eye from view, but I still there. Ut’s still there like the bruses along my arms, along my whole body.

I try…

I did something wrong again… I did something everyone was laughing at, all but my friend. She was pissed, beond pissed…

Categorized as darkness


The silence is so thick that I can’t even hear myself anymore. I wonder why there is no one, there is nothing. But I should know better, there has always been the silence, for one person, then it moves on to another, and another.

Categorized as darkness