Blood Dripping Roses Prologue

Blood Dripping Roses Prologue Ebony Millers sat in her 8th period class. The last class of the year. And finally, the school year would be over in…Ebony looked up at the clock…in 5 minutes. She tapped her on her desk she waited for the last bell. “Ebony, what are you so antsy for?” Ebony looked… Continue reading Blood Dripping Roses Prologue

Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 15

Rain poured from the dark heavy sky, sending cold chills all over everyone. In the middle of a centrey stood a family, all dressed in black. They all standing under a tent that looked over a gave. It wasn’t many people there. Not many at all. A small group. Among this group stood Tony. No… Continue reading Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 15

Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 13

Sodina’s dreams worried her. They were filled with nightmares that made her want to wake from her sleep. All her worries and problems came together in the dream. Tony, school, her mother, and now the new face that flashed by; Damon. Who was this person? and what was this information that he passed along to… Continue reading Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 13

Dark Kiss of Evil Chapter 12

Sodina sat in the car as the speeded down the dark road towards her home. Her eyes looked over at Maxiumus only to find that his eyes were glued to the road. -“I think it’s time for me to get some answers here Maxiumus.”