you know i hate this my counsler, and i hate HATE being clean. evreything i think about drugs or remember popin pills i get all sad and my blood runs and i get a ruch remembering it. man i hate random drug tests. and i dont want to go to my counsler next week. she… Continue reading Its Lacey
Author: DarkEnigma back but i don't know for how long...i don't even know if i'll have time to post...
hey just wanted to say hi to everyone back home. im pretty alone here. but even more than usual i cant ever think im so busy. i am busy yet alone. is that possible? so busy and always moving and always have people around me that im utterly alone. i want the silence again. i… Continue reading Alone
Comtemplating Your Demise
Demise = Slow and painful death of someone. This explain what I will do to you. I don’t get it you know, i’m sick of you all. Just leave me alone or i’ll hurt you, you know.
Contemplating My Demise
I don’t want to die you know. Pain is my desire, Maybe I could dissapear and then no one could bother me. I’d pass through a crowd without so much as a glance. Maybe i could beat them all or maybe i could fade.
Life Endurements
love is innocent hate is legendary good is unbearable evil is immortal
Do you understand?
As you sit there with you’re powdered faces you do not understand. You pass judgement as your eyes glide over me. And with that moment I am labeled, a pettie label, that condems me.
Vampires Blood
Standing on the stage in front of everyone. Searching over for fimilar faces, but of course there were none. I was in the cafeteria, look at them, i’d gotten their attention by screaming and pulling out a dagger.
And the darkness consumes you…eventually
Has anyone noticed lately how the world is going to shit? I mean maybe its just us but everything seems to be fucking up.i mean come on look at all the destruction goin on all becasuse of the choice of our so called LEADER *applause* PRES BUSH. basically we think its all his fault hes… Continue reading And the darkness consumes you…eventually
The secret
“Truth, truth in the midst of lies.”Her child eyes looked about where she was, her voice tender as well as scolding. She was but only seven yet wise beyond her years. Some would later say, ‘Seven going on Seventy.”
Blinding light
My windows, covered with blankets, dark black ones to hide the intimidating light, wonder if im alive, they keep me from the day, and bring me instant night.