I have been an outcast my entire and unlike a lot you, I have not enjoyed being different. I had a terrible inferiority complex because I believed the lies of those little bastards and I learned to hate myself. In school I was the guy nobody talked to or even looked at for that matter.… Continue reading Being An Outcast
Author: dawaco03
You would not believe me if I told you.
When You Smile At Me
Inside of you I see, a beautiful, beautiful child, and when you smile at me; my heart does sing a sweet melody, when you smile at me. It is like the touch of an ocean breeze that brings me such peace. I hear the waves of the ocean; crash so gently when you smile at… Continue reading When You Smile At Me
Father of Lies
Dear Moderator, While I will be suprized if you actually post this poem, I thought that I would give it a try anyway. It is the darkest stuff I have. I dare you to post this poem. I wrote this poem because at the time I was being tormented by evil spirits and I wanted… Continue reading Father of Lies
Prisoner of Fear
Did you ever wonder why, he sits there with a sigh, never saying a word? He cannot even begin to express what is within the yearning of his heart. He is a prisoner of fear, the worst that one can bare. He is inferior in all ways. He bares his shame every day. No one… Continue reading Prisoner of Fear