Shadows of the Dark

“So you what?” Jechiziah was growing impatient. “I’ve had enough of you Gabriel, and your pathetic problems. You’ve driven me to the point where I just don’t care anymore. Leave and don’t come back for a while.” Gabriel blinked out of sight upon hearing Jechiziah’s threat, yet, he managed to sneak in one more glare… Continue reading Shadows of the Dark

Shadows of the Dark

Kava stepped up to the front door and looked around. The house had no door bell and no house number. Boy, she thought, someone really doesn’t want anybody to find this house. Kava peered through in window only to see what looked like a regular home. Chairs, couches, tables, colors, everything that her house has.… Continue reading Shadows of the Dark

Journal of Legolas

These are the words I can’t spill to other people. They would only destroy and I haven’t the heart to do that. I would kill them releasing all evil of my burden. Even thought I destroy things that should have been dead long ago, something with beauty deserves a chance. This certain evil cannot be… Continue reading Journal of Legolas

Categorized as poetic

Clouded Mist

Through the clouded mist the haze of destruction I couldn’t escape it at the time Maybe I’ll be the only one to live

A New Beginning

With the rising of my death And the falling of my resurrection Shall bring upon this earth A plague of 7 sins

Categorized as poetic