She told me to fuck myself today.
Author: DebonyRain
I'm a dreamer...a drop of ebony in the rain...guess that's the best description, what with my cherry cigarettes and earl grey tea. I write a lot, try to inspire myself to take more pictures, play dark and bloody and odd computer games when my body's telli
Spices are sucked into my mouth. A thin watery mix that swirls from the roof of my palette to the back of my throat. An burst of cinnamon and vanilla and nutmeg and pepper that sets every sense on fire.
Black Suit Gunman
Three months, four days, nineteen hours and however many minutes has passed.That’s ninety-five and three quarter days, within or without the hour.And I’m not even going to work out the minutes. My foot taps in a nervous thud-thud-thud-thud against the computer’s case as I write this. Now my whole leg’s caught up with the rhythm,… Continue reading Fix
Anti-Social bitch – A Reason Why.
The term loner is one that I’ve always associated with myself – it’s a part of me that I’ve accepted and a part of me that I’ve grown to love. It’s not so much a question of being popluar or having more friends than I know what to do with…it’s more that I’ve never had… Continue reading Anti-Social bitch – A Reason Why.
Unto you
This is the time. The time. I want to talk with you, I need to talk with you… and the lullaby of our voices talking will lull me into a state of security. I know that at the end of my confessions, I will fall into your arms and you’ll swing deep inside of me,… Continue reading Unto you
Sentiment (or how I found something under the bed)
I sit facing the computer screen: I sit absorbed in another’s words, frequently reaching for the Garfield mug that holds near-cold tea (delicious), and once I’ve swallowed I lick its taste off of my lips. My eyes occasionally drift from the screen; tired green eyes with ever so dark smudges under them (the down side… Continue reading Sentiment (or how I found something under the bed)
Doll (taken from Blood Culture)
There’s moonlight shining upon a sliver of glass. It’s all that’s left of the window. The moon’s light spills off the fragment, and if I move my head then the light disappears. So I don’t. I keep my head still. And besides, I like the way that the moonlight makes the droplet of blood that’s… Continue reading Doll (taken from Blood Culture)
Her Mind’s Eye (taken from Blood Culture)
“In the hands of someone else, a life becomes much more precious than you’ve ever realised. If they give it over freely to you, then it’s obvious that there is a deep trust. You become the carer, the nurturer, and the holder of the soul. You hold the heart of someone willing to die for… Continue reading Her Mind’s Eye (taken from Blood Culture)
Whats in a category
Selecting the “topic” for which this article is to be posted under really made me cringe. I’m not sure why. Strike that. I know why. I hate categorising things, be it fashion, nationality or the types of tomatoes down at the local supermarket.