They call it reality spasm, come purple ghost rising to the ceiling. A blaze of heat, some ferocious trick devouring the mind. Once your there your home, 13 hours to catch the last fall back into your body. Comes like clockwork, a sick joke counting backwards to the punchline. It issues it sentence and once… Continue reading Reality Spasm (13 hours)
Author: downwardspiral
Birth,life....awaiting death
Her Grave Within His Heart
I rested my arms on the edge of the coffin and peered in. She looked so peaceful, and for a second i convinced myself that maybe she was just sleeping – but by simply brushing ym hand across her cheek the cold skin brought reality flooding back. Tears welled up in my eyes.
Reality trip
He pushed open the door, the glass crunched beneath his feet. The floor was nothing but a mixture of blood and broken glass, the window had been broken in an attempt to escape or struggle of some form. Maybe they had tried to run away that would explain the small amount of blood over the… Continue reading Reality trip
Ever cried yourself to Sleep?
WTF? maybe another hit,another high, might ease the pain might make me gain one more obsession to add to my list of shit. A tiny little list i have stapled to my wall, each night it screams at me….each night i scream back. SHUT THE FUCK UP!! but it wont, it doesnt, it never leaves… Continue reading Ever cried yourself to Sleep?
Angel in Exile (sequel to death calls my name)
The city I live in is full of people of mixed ethnicity, people from all walks of life. Everybody has a story to tell; though not everyone wants to tell theirs…..but I want to tell mine.
it seems they see from another point of view, cursing and hating the chosen few, we who suffer we who cry, those who wished for us to die,
No-one Ever Notices
Sometimes I actually believe that no-one around me understands anything, its like i have to sit on some fucking pedestal and listen to a bunch of assholes talk shit and tell me i need to get better through a pill…..fuck them im not taking their goddamn miracle drugs to fuck me up even more.
Chemical Prison Bars
Once more ive been offered help, this time in a little cream & green pill called Prozac…..So im taking it.I think the only reason they give us this is so we have something to OD on. All it does is supress the real me and replace it with some zombie like character that is far… Continue reading Chemical Prison Bars
Kurt Cobains Suicide Note
[This note means alot to alot of people. It means alot to me, its about time that everyone read it[ it was addressed to “all of you”]] “Writing from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complainee.This note should be easy to understand. All the warnings from the… Continue reading Kurt Cobains Suicide Note
Death calls my name (sequel to Caddaver art)
Once more dark fell upon this corrupted citadel of hatred. Time for me to rid the gene pool of some more of the fools roaming the streets and dancing to a hidden tune of alcohol. I was bored of hiding, now i wanted something upfront, something that would really put a chill down their spines…..A… Continue reading Death calls my name (sequel to Caddaver art)