Sound asleep But deep with in my mind Horror’s unleashed The nightmares are chasing me Down, down Until I drown Screaming And punching And kicking They’re raping me! Hurry. Help me. My eternal sleep Is a never-ending nightmare Evil that creeps And never sleeps Does any one care? Does any one care to wake me… Continue reading screaming while sleeping
Author: FANGSthatKILL
uh.. fuck everyone!
I’m scrambling to the floor Looking to escape You’re stepping on me Not knowing You’re hurting me You’re ignoring me I’m reaching I’m invisible I’m trying I’m losing I’m breaking I love you In my broken home I’m locked in a mess I cannot escape But my thoughts can I think of you And what… Continue reading MASON
Look in my eyes Tell me what you see Read my face Can you see what I see? Mirror mirror on the wall, Who’s the most lonely of then all? My reflection turns to me “You are, you fucking doll!” How long till I break? Why wont you pay attention? If I died would you… Continue reading INVISIBLE
I loved you once That wasn’t enough I loved you twice And it meant nothing You sucked me in Drained my ability to love I am now, but a shell An empty shell Cracked open and bleeding Because of your carelessness Once a delicate rose I am but ashes now Are you proud of what… Continue reading LEACH
I’m scambling to the floor Looking for a way out You’re steping on me Not knowing You’re hurting me You’re ignoring me I’m reaching I’m invisible I’m trying I’m losing I’m breaking I love you In my broken home I’m locked in a mess I can not escape But my thoughts can I think of… Continue reading MASON
need an answer
I have but one question… What the hell is normal when every one is different? A lot of people tell me to be “normal” but I don’t know what it is. I’m not wanting to change. Not at all. I like who I am. And i wont change myself to please other people. I was… Continue reading need an answer
bring me death…. or i’ll kill you
kill me kill me for the love of your so-called god kill me kill me im just a waste of flesh
little poems i wrote:
USER & ABUSER: you enielate me every inch of me loves so complicating you chew me up and spit me out you drain and kill me you beat me cheat me trick me i can not be alive you wont let me be alive you suck me in till i drown
cut my string and let me loose.
is it so much to ask to die? why i am still alive? i do not know. i long for death i cave it like a cigarette.
Beggers Can’t Be Choosers
this is not my home this cant be my life this isnt me i hate this