You never know that anyone is hurting.. Until they take it too far. She wasnt the type that’d kill herself. But, none of us probably are, We hide our feelings and put a smile on, a lot of times. She was the closest thing to a best friend, I guess, to me. She wasn’t angry… Continue reading Hiding the hurt.
Author: |Ava.F|
everytime i leave my house its as if i give up my every right to be left alone or treated with respect You think my difference from you is an excuse to comment on me as if i were on display for you like im the way i am because i want the incessant gawking of strangers
There is nothing that brings out the zest of life in people than the impending of their own death.
maybe..someday....we will both learn how fragile love is.
|swing swing from the tangles of|
|my heart is crushed by a former love|
|can you help me find a way to carry on again?|
A-AR -[swing swing]-
Can’t ANYONE spell something correctly?????
Okay. Not just labels and posers piss me off, but people who cannot spell correctly and think that if they shorten everything down to one letter it’s O.K. BUT IT ISN’T!! It makes you look extremely stupid and a disgrace to humanity. I mean, I just read what whatthehellisapost’s paragraph and almst screamed.
My Ranting and Raving.
Okay. These people at school annoy me. In every sentance they say i wish they would just go to hell. First they argued about what music i like. I mean.. why care about what music i listen to???? Secondly they call me a dog since i wore a spiky choker.