
Me and some friends are starting a band and writing songs is harder than I thought but if any of you dont mind me asking if there is any songs, little pieces youve wrote or maybe just an idea for a song you could submit please do.

Categorized as poetic

What is goth?

I had a little argument with a friend about what goth is. He thinks its in the way you dress and the music you listen to. I think its the way you act, think, and the way you see the world. I feel it has very little to do with physical apperance but more in… Continue reading What is goth?

Categorized as gothic


Last night I was in the cemetary with someone I like. I knew I could do it, I knew this was it but it wasnt. I had once again become a coward and shied off into a little corner in my mind afraid of what she might say. Lately I have found myself having problems… Continue reading NEEDING HELP

Categorized as darkness

this sucks

So I have to spend all day working in the yard while my friends are at a alice cooper concert. Im spending my free time now making myself even more depressed than I already am by telling you how much my day sucks. I better stop now before I kill myself.


So I never put much thought into the fact that the mainstream society is so fucking shallow that just because they dont understand people like me they refuse to except me. Why is this?

Categorized as gothic