When He Comes

He comes not like a thief in the night, nor descends on flailing bladed wings. No malice has He toward the fearing soul. No anger spits from His still, cold lips. He comes as the gentle whisper of winter wind, or the quick ecstasy of the lightning bolt immediate yet lingering as if embraced by… Continue reading When He Comes

A Dream Within A Dream, within a Dream

What follows here, is actually a very old piece culled from Part 1, of Our Name is Melancholy. It was from a long and strange dream sequence I had in the late 1970’s.

Categorized as darkness

The Quest for Power

Some think power is the ability to instigate change. Others view power as a mechanism of control. Whether it’s control over circumstances or individuals, power is a precarious element, no less dangerous than a vial of nitroglycerine.

Categorized as darkness

Essential Darkness

One of the biggest fears still continues to be Death. The ultimate “dark unknown.” But even Death can be intimately known and understood here and now. All one has to do is listen to the night.

Categorized as death

Necromancy 101

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. “Necromancy is a dark and dangerous practice so make sure that you stand in your magic circle to protect yourself from evil spirits.” Puhlease! Don’t tell me that some people still buy into that antique mumbo jumbo. Although, with the advent of the internet, we have immediate access… Continue reading Necromancy 101

Categorized as death

Select Cross-Cultural & Historical Personifications of Death

This extensive introduction includes some of the more well known, along with some lesser known Death “incarnations”, and I use that term loosely, as in many cultures, the Angel of Death can be quite an adept shapeshifter. We have tried to cull together as much information and as many examples of Death in personification as… Continue reading Select Cross-Cultural & Historical Personifications of Death

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