The pain that I’m feeling Inside of my brain The pains so intense It drives me insane The thoughts and the feelings Are leaving my mined Now filing with hatred And making me blinded I fail to retrieve them The memory’s I had Of mother and brother And even my dad I wish that the… Continue reading Pain Never Sleeps
Author: logy
i'm a sk8er and i like small furry things called fred. i believe u should live death to the full.
(i hardly ever swear but that's just me)
The Temple of the Tortured
In the temple of the tortured light turns to dark, life turns to death. You can feel death watching you through hollow eye. There are corpses lying on the ground everywhere, but they are the lucky ones, for their pain is over but for others there pain has just begun. All you can hear is… Continue reading The Temple of the Tortured
The Rain of the Dead
The demons of hell shall rise up form their slumber with the skies will turn red with the blood of the innocent and the young. As death draws ever closer you can here the roar of the beast approaching you. As everyone around you is dying you see them praying to their god. The fires… Continue reading The Rain of the Dead
The Soulless Hunter
I am the one of which you hope your dreams do not contain. Im the poison ivy that that chokes the tree. I hunt in the dead of night and collect the bodies of the dead and send them to my enemies. Any who stand in my way are taken down.
the hunter
I am the one of which you hope your dreams do not contain. I’m the poison ivy that that chokes the tree. I hunt in the dead of night and collect the bodies of the dead and send them to my enemies.