i am trapped in my mind against the iron walls of treacher never knowing what or what is not real all is blurred together in this vision of lost hope and happiness which never really existed because all that i know is real is the lies and deceit and betrayal how am i to know… Continue reading why do people like hurting
Author: masochisticangel
I'm bi. Get over it. Go atheism! "Free thinkers are dangerous"
Sadder than myself There is a dog There– Down in the alley
Black Clouds
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust storm clouds loom over my head and the pain strikes like lightening
Elie Wiesel
Fear is only a color, a backdrop, a landscape. That isn’t the problem. The fear either of the victim or the executioner is unimportant. What matters is the fact that each of them is playing a role which has been imposed upon him. The two roles are the extremeties of the estate of man. The… Continue reading Elie Wiesel
change of name
the username sadisticprincess has been changed to masochisticangel…just so you all know
Somtimes I wonder why I try All that’s left will be me to cry I’ve given you my everything, my heart and life I fight through pain with all my strife
As I sit here and tremble thinking of you Waiting for the day it’s finally true Droplets of water bead down my cheek The tears that if cried are making me weak
I’m sorry
I’m sorry that he hurt you I’m sorry that you cried I’m sorry for what he did to you I’m sorry I ever tried
Our time is almost near the end one more time around the bend winding through paths of days ahead those thoughts that I told you
All About the Music
Music has been around for thousands of years. Music appeals to everyone. When was the last time you heard someone say, “I hate all music?” Lately though, music has been criticized for corrupting teens’ minds. Heavy metal is being blamed for giving teens only dark images and thoughts in their minds.