A few odd statements, made more interesting because of where I was.
Author: Nevar
i am me...and only that...deal with it.
A Cutters Roots and Cycle.
I’ve not used this particular account in a long time. I promise, my writing has improved somewhat. I’m going to tell you about a semi-painfull period I went through and am still dealing with.
I was depressed
my personal soap opera
All I need to say to everyone reading my last few posts is…. Truth is stranger than fiction. But sometimes they are fiction…. so if you can tell them apart, more power to you.
and yet there is no regret.
I love the man I live with. I cannot fall asleep when alone in our big bed. I cannot seem to keep my hands off him when we are alone. He can melt my heart with a single glance, word, or touch. I cannot stand the thought of hurting him. And yet he pisses me… Continue reading and yet there is no regret.
when I wonder
ok, my apology sire…I’ll try to have a point with this one. I wonder how some of the people of this earth can do everything to make their lives worse and then say why me?
I will start out with an apology to those of you who have sufferd through my recent whining. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to break. I have not had much luck with it as of late. I have moved in with my dear old friend. Seperate bedrooms, even though we are dating again..(third times… Continue reading Solutions
The birthday present
As a few of you may have gatherd from my posts, my birthday just passed. The events of the last few days have been just too unsual not to share, so I thought I would bring it here. It all started on the 8th of January, the before my birthday. I had to work my… Continue reading The birthday present
Modern Love triangle
I know I promised not to send in any new submitions for a little while. I just couldn’t resist asking for input on this one, even though I’m sure it will be over long before this one gets posted. The title of this post realy sums it up. In order to understand it in full,… Continue reading Modern Love triangle
nevars philosophy
On the rare occasions that my two remaining brain cells decide to rub together, you’d be surprized with what occurs to me. More and more frequently these days it has been this: maybe some people are put here to be miserable. (We’ll discuss what everyone thinks put us here at a different time, please.)