I’ll never forget that night. I was filled with so much happiness I couldn’t stop smiling. ‘Oh No’, I thought. Walking towards me was Stacey and her gang. ”Hey Gothic, nice night huh?” They laughed. I carried on walking, ignoring their pathetic little jokes. As I walked past them I saw one of them reach… Continue reading Hurt.
Author: ~SeNzAfInE~
AsPiRiNg WrItEr, LuCiD DrEaMeR AnD FaErIe LoViNg FaNtAsIsT.
Deadly Obsession
We worked on the top floor of a high rise office block. I had a boring job, sorting out files on the computer. Y’know the really shitty work. I had about 10 work-mates up there. Well I couldn’t really call them “mates.” There was this one woman though. Louise.
Repetitive Laughter.
Everyday is the same. The same prejudice. People throw insults. My laughter rumbles down the corridor.
-Undying Hate-
Day 1: Dear Diary, Me and Serena stayed in to watch “The Green Mile”. Such a sad film, but it was good fun considering she bought over loads of Doritos and we ended up getting tipsy on vodka and coke.