I thought there was something wrong with me, that i was wrong. the way i pick at my skin, the way i pull at my hair, the way i contemplate the meaning and purpose behind most thing and ways and people.
Author: PollyKills
clumps of hair and blood
my agitation grows each day, that date is coming closer and closer. I am about to see my mom for the first time since i got off methadone. i woke up this morning to more hair on my pillow.
dreams of shaving my hair
i am a very tense person, not just agro but everything i do is not quite right. just out of reality. it gets so bad i start to pull out my hair, scratch under my skin, rip off scabs, make wounds in my mouth. i’ve been having dreams of shaving my head and being relaxed… Continue reading dreams of shaving my hair
She checked the time at which the e-mail was sent into her box … then reflected what she was doing while he wrote:
wash the dishes, contemplation
i find humor in the jobs i hold down. I scrub metal trays of dried mutilated animal all night sometimes, and spend hours on end teaching children in an animal rehab how to treat an injured pet.
convos between strangers.
reality is very confusing. i don’t understand it sometimes, it seems like a dream. who ever thought that that girl always falling asleep in class, the one with the emotional outbursts, the one who seems to change moods more then she does her tampons is clean?
I hope i don’t have to miss her.
It was crusty and warm. Comfortable and i didnt want to wake up. But i knew my day was full and so would be everyday that followed, just as all the ones before had been.
last year, today.
The front of my brian has rotted out. When i shake my head i can feel it move about, slam against the front of my skull. And my insides are rotting too. When i eat i feel the mass roll over and overin my stomach. They call it lust, i call it heroin love.
She walks Alone
She had her past, her present, her future. But the one that really got to her was her past. She had done some fucked up bullshit. Every time she closes her eyes she thinks of the thousands of times she’s regreted ever leaving her house. Constant flashbacks of horror and guilt glisten off the sidewalk,… Continue reading She walks Alone
i see it in you, like it is in me. somthing you cannot contain, and only blame yourself i see you do it, like i do nothing can stop the twitch.