real animal love…

I love her. I need her. I do not think she loves anybody more then me. She sleeps by my side, every night and we wake up together every morning.

Categorized as poetic

Bad times

Last i remember a woman on the bus was chewing on a piece of bread. i could hear the mchanics in her jaw, clicking, winding, stretching, working. And i remember watching her rip apart the bread with her machine mouth of doom. Clicking winding working.

Categorized as darkness

I’ve had stomach pains.

I was having pains inside me. My guts hurt. When I had sex they hurt, when I laid down they hurt. My stomach hurt and I couldn’t see why.

Categorized as death

Time for a Change

Each morning i feel less Every time i wake i want to nod off again Treding life, barely surviving.

Left alone, after sex

Shuddering cold, victom’s stress Curled up in a ball undressed Hoping wishing waiting wanting Better plans always taunting

Categorized as poetic

On monday morning

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP “GET UP YOU BITCH! MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!” “Fuck you.” “Get your fucking ass out of bed! It’s 11am and you told me to get you up now.” “fuck you!” and with that I turned off my alarm clock.

Categorized as darkness

Friday night thoughts.

I was sitting on the edge of his bed rubbing the base of my spine. It had been a long day and I was in pain. I felt as though there was a spear going straight through my skull and I was happy to be with human touch right now. Sometimes, if your are in… Continue reading Friday night thoughts.

Categorized as darkness


they say that if your mind is scattered and you feel overwhelmed by life that you should take a look at how you live and the space you live in. That if your house is dirty and disorganized it will reflect on the way you feel and sometimes are. i never found this to be… Continue reading cleaning

Categorized as darkness

stupid little noises, this isn’t my thing.

“hey this is great isn’t it!?!” …white people with their carfully applied makeup and their little hands… “when’s this ‘great band’ gonna start?!”

Categorized as poetic

My World

Welcome to my world Where life is just a game All this is my theme park Theres nothing quite the same

Categorized as poetic