You came into my life As quickly as you left. I thought it was destiny Like we were meant to be together. I felt like cupid had shot me with an arrow that hit me in the eye. It was love at first sight. I was blinded by your beauty I was blinded by the… Continue reading WHERE DID I GO WRONG?
Author: Nick (Shadow of Screams)
i hate this fucking world. is this hell? im stuck here between love and lust. why am i here ? trapped in reality. lost in fantasy. blinded by the unseen truth. I'm fighting myself in a battle of trust. and there are too many voices in my head.
I’m the peeling of a black rose under a colorless rainbow No feeling, no healing, just pain, suffering and chaos to blame All curled up in nothingness And trapped in my shadow of screams Asking questions like why have you forsaken me? NO HERO CAN SAVE ME !!! I am not human What i am… Continue reading Bitterness
Unwanted Puppet
Why do you do this to me? I love you and I always will. But you cheated on me. You lied and cheated. Was what we shared nothing more than meaningless kisses? Touches with no feel? A black dove with broken wings? I guess to you I was just a pawn waiting to be played… Continue reading Unwanted Puppet
Unsolved Feelings
Love…. what is it? I surely don’t know. But when I look at you there is something…. something like a sunset on a clear sandy beach that leaves a guy speechless. So beautiful and yet so frail. I don’t think anyone really understands the feeling love. Most people mix it up with lust. Ask the… Continue reading Unsolved Feelings
Unsolved Feelings
Love…. what is it? I surely don’t know. But when I look at you there is something…. something like a sunset on a clear sandy beach that leaves a guy speechless. So beautiful and yet so frail. I don’t think anyone really understands the feeling love. Most people mix it up with lust. Ask the… Continue reading Unsolved Feelings
Angel of Sin
Darkness boils in her blood Hate rages beneath her veins Her past is nailed to her spine With hate and rage brings unforgotten memories of Being whipped and tormented by unforgiving eyes She’s forever telling lies and endless goodbyes Chained down by feelings of affection and abhorrence Cut loose from reality She’s tailgated by by… Continue reading Angel of Sin
Darkness boils in her blood Hate rages beneath her veins Her past is nailed to her spine With hate and rage brings unforgotten memories of Being whipped and tormented by unforgiving eyes She’s forever telling lies and endless goodbyes