I hate this life it is so fucked Every thing in this deceased reality sucks
Author: RavenofFilth666
Deppressed, gothic and have a whole lotta hatred twords nothing in particular, there are more important things to worry about
The Weird People
Why the Fuck do they do this to us. “OMG look at that kid. The black clothes and bad music and weird poetry and the darkness and the evil!! That GOTH.”
The Outcasts Rebellion
The Outcasts Rebbelion We are said to be the weird people. We are outcasted because we look diffrent or like diffrent things.
Love: The Healer
Kristen My heart is thine I am so happy that thou aret mine
The Thoughts of the Troubled
Impending Gloom Impending Doom Anger trapped in a Balloon I wish I could go to the Moon
I Can’t Take It
I just can’t take my life anymore. I can’t stand myself. I can’t stand the way things are going. My Family is evil.
My Life
So my life really sucks Dishing out depressing cuts So I always stayed at home Where the sunshine never shone
This Place
I cannot take this place I’m in It is all so full of sin Nor can I take the place I’ve made in my head It is all so full of dread
Deppression Make Way For Love
Horrid isn’t it. I sit in my room, listining to music, all kinds, Cradle of Filth, KoRn, Stained, Dying Fetus, Slipknot, whatever. The shades drawn, darkness envelops me, laying on my bed, staring at the gleaming knife that I hold before my face.