You are you are the ground beneath my feet you are the tear forever on my cheek still I will not speak you are my arms my chest my aching heart I will never tear yours apart behind my eyes inside my mind you are with me all the time but outside here away beyond… Continue reading SERA
Author: dirk
Deep Blue
There was a time,when life was beautiful there was a time when noone was lonely, not in his life.
Its pain and pain again,it drags me down and pulls me up I am its puppet,and my fate is sealed Here i am again,sitting by the open window Hoping for despair,im not party to your games
A Place Inside
A light breeze sparkles on the grass The daylight blows in the boughs of the trees This is where i walk. With the day beneath my feet
Insert Cliched “dark” Title Here
And so i glide through Night-time Beauty Arabesque
In the Nightime
In the night time I can’t see you can’t save you My princess In the night time
hey,my name is tom. i havent planned this in any way so im just gonna keep typing and watch it take form. i dont know how many of you are familiar with ascension. its something that is involved with several paths of paganism and most probably has deeper roots im not aware of.