Comments of bitter indecisions Hell has many crossroads Time corrupts the beauty of innocent beginnings Full bloom fades to rotted beauty Seasons slow and fade, as does blind understanding Pain and mistrust are tainted beginnings of a peaceful end Torn in half by these angles an demons alike Futile attemps in vain for the pursuit… Continue reading The Bounded Arteries
Author: Spiders_pride
Suffocation Under Pressure
Rotting corpses haunt my deepest precipice. My useless soul flakes itself away. Blood-stained handprints paint the graveyard walls. Cries of the unwanted children fill my dreams. Pain is the intimate aspect of pleasure. The mysteries of life will be explained through death. Unfathomable horrors wait at the right hand of the Prince of Darkness. Religious… Continue reading Suffocation Under Pressure
Never to be Found
A different tale to be told. One of sorrow and longing. Their bitter, angry screams rip through the placid night. Anger and hate has become the norm.
Waking Nightmares
Into the uncharted depths on hopelessness. This is my sanctuary. The fires of conviction await you. Seek the downward spiral towards damnation.
Life As Opposed to Art
Blood on stained-glass windows. Life imitates art. Bathe in the fires of hell. Hoards of winged nightmares.
I Will Never Tell
Like a loving mother holding her child, I hold my precious secret fast to my heart. A flood of rushing emotions. The gate has been opened. With one kiss, I die and am born again. His fingertips leave their fiery brand upon my skin. With one word, my body is enslaved.
Nocturnal Fantasies
Journey into the valley of the half-lit moon. The barriers are broken with but a whisper. Herein lies the secrets of the dark and lost souls. Disturbed manifestations tunnel through the mind.
All Seeing Eyes
Eyes that know so much, but tell so little, Only through deception can we reveal our true selves. People change, but time remains the same. The flesh of the unrighteous are the vessels of the soul.
Innocence Lost
The innocence of birth will be corrupted by its life. A child’s mind is theirs alone. The bliss known in childhood is tarnished by the burdens of responsibility. As the seasons come and go, so do our care-free days of the past.
Tide of Destruction
Make me to lie down in the bed of death. Dream of vast canvases of nothingness. Reality is the true nightmare. Crimson tipped thorns poisoned with sorrow.