Stupid Question

I have a stupid question I just registered to this a minutes ago how do I get the chat to work for me it seems I have diffuculty with it a helping hand would be apperciated I am not a moron. Just very immpattient with these demon box machines of communication. Sprite

A short peek into my insanity

This is but a short peek into the insanity that is my mind. Man the most destructive species Man destroys all he can He destroy’s his land Slaughters his animals for fashion Poisons his air and water Rapes and pilages the earth Kills whoever oppose him Hates all he can not understand Accepts nothing but… Continue reading A short peek into my insanity

Categorized as poetic

Looking in New Orleans

I am looking for other dark people in my area to celebrate pagan/wican holidays with possible formation of a coven. I am in the New Orleans area I have been practicing for 7 years now I don’t know everything and am looking for semi-serious intelligent people who like to have fun while practing and also… Continue reading Looking in New Orleans

Categorized as darkness