Went back to work last Sunday. There wasn’t much to do, Amanda was at her friends house playing with their new Christmas toys and the apartment was clean. Cindy, my boss, made me some food. Usually it’s the other way around but it was still my day off. I hadn’t eaten,”Eat! I don’t want none… Continue reading I Quit
Author: MasochisticSweetness
Fuck off and die.
Fill in the Blanks
“Why is it always BAD things with you?? Why don’t you tell me about the better part of your life??” Here it comes. “What?”
Just Thinking
“The higher the level of thought you achieve the farther you go.” Does that mean that when you die you know everything? What happens if you die “before your time”? Thinking is what you must do to learn. To gain knowledge.
They’re out there again….
The day I shaved me head was a strange one. I’d been itching all morning….unable to sit down cause my nerves were shot. i was still going through that really bad encounter with paranoia.
Look at the leaves lose life as they fall. They’ll settle on the ground and wait for your feet. Listen to their sounds. They are Bodies.
Committed: Psych Building, LAC/USC General Hospital
It was a Wednsday. I was 14 and sitting in my fourth period class when I got a summons to the office telling me I was to go to the V.I.P.(violence intervention program) center right away.
Cigarrette Break
Sitting here in a cloud of smoke Thinking about how the Earth Is just a Mirror
Reality Check
I walked down the stairs leading to the sidewalk. When I got to the street I bagan walking to my right, passing the old wyno’s hangout. But I was stopped when I heard the raspy voice yell out,
First Real Friendship, First Love, First Thing Worth Not Letting Go
Woke up this morning immersed in thoughts, just as it was when I fell asleep. My main concerns were Brain, and J.C. Hope Brian’s good.
The Rot.
Sleeping, having that nightmare again…..the one where Snow White is chasing after me with a knife and i run into a house crowded with people and hide behind some overwieght woman wearing a flowery dress.