under poetic As I stare at what is left, Left of what I’ve done, I can’t help but feel, Finally I’ve won. The glistening red moves swiftly Flowing down my wrist, Its glide resembles a cobra With a barely audible hiss The breath escaping my lips My color drains, I whiten quickly, I’ve made sure… Continue reading finally free
Author: torch
talk to me; maybe I'll tell you everything
under my bed…
That night I went to sleep, not worried, nothing amiss, Even though underneath my bed there was emitted a slow, deep hiss… I treaded the floorboards lightly, ever so much with care, On my way to turn a light on, I was very, very scared. Deeming my childish curiosity, a very frightful thing, I crawled… Continue reading under my bed…
my own little hell
Several years have passed since I have last been in contact with anyone. Alone and remorseful for all of the wrong deeds I have committed I exist; society’s judgement has condemned me. I am full of guilt; a shallow puddle of water is all that consoles me. Nothing but the moon’s subtle reflection emanates from… Continue reading my own little hell
wasted effort (classic end of the world scenario)
The tides push forward, receding, and then back again. Like an eternal flow they carry on: powerful, majestic, peaceful with an evil smirk on its face. Two years ago my last touch with humanity was snatched so viciously away; pulled from my feeble grasps of despair. I console myself with this journal, the last to… Continue reading wasted effort (classic end of the world scenario)
minds of the ages
–please read to the end, the story comes together fluently at its end– (ghost speaking) An empty shell, of what once was, is all that can contain me now. Here in this dark and dingy palace of the dead I am overcome with the emotions of a gutted mind, haphazardly piled onto one another, cancelling… Continue reading minds of the ages