Shameless, nameless, tameless suicidal attempts by my force of torture abusive to myself and those around us digging in my mind thoughts of immortality you’re pushing me over the egde will it end tragically?hopefully, painful i cringe with anger and uncontrolling emotion this dream i will not survive, i will not come back alive killing… Continue reading “This Deep Feeling”
Author: Vampyre Lestat
This world is so confusing, I can't understand how I am so different from the rest, of course i have my own opinions and speak my mind all the time. People deserve to know the truth about themselves. I am still young and ignorant towards things, I have a fascination of learning about the dark arts like, gothic culture, vampirism, and stuff like that. I'm not a wannabe or anything like that, i'm not going to say I am anything, you can judge what I am because I don't even know what I am. So if u wish judgement on me, be my guest. And I would also like to give a dedicating rememberance to a special friend, NATHALY BAUTISTA (1989-2003)
"We will always remember you always" With Love and Care.....Farewell my friend.
He treated me so good, he liked me for who i was, i was so in love with him it couldn’t be true, i was living in a dream, then we separated, we went our seprate ways, we took different paths, i new everying about you, and i miss you so much, i lost someone… Continue reading Heartbreaker
He treated me so good, he liked me for who i was, i was so in love with him it couldn’t be true, i was living in a dream, then we separated, we went our seprate ways, we took different paths, i new everying about you, and i miss you so much, i lost someone… Continue reading Heartbreaker
A Friend Gone Wrong
He is my best friend and said that it will never end, but then fate changed our lives forever, he had found another love, but not the love i would suspect he would love, this other person of the same sex, but this world has alot of ups and downs, but i am jealous and… Continue reading A Friend Gone Wrong
Suicidal Attempt
This object runs across my bare skin, my blood tricking down my arm, as i stand i slowly stand in the middle of my room, bleeding to death, no one is there to help me, then my mom walks in, think there is hope?then you see the blood all over her hands, it was not… Continue reading Suicidal Attempt
” It “
It killed eveything in sight, it always put up a fight, it begins and nevers ends, it killed my family and my friends, it finished the world and all its sins, it will kill you no matter what it always wins, it has killed you, and it has killed me, it is called love the… Continue reading ” It “
I don’t have a purpose for this feeling but since i have some emotion in my heart i could propose, i am finally happy, i have found my place in life and i have a reason to be living and breathing, i have foud love and someone who cares, someday you will find your place… Continue reading Unknown
A day goes by when there has to be a single event at that moment that makes you feel your the only person that matters to that other individual and it turns out that he will make the rest of your days of time off worth your whole summer.
A Wrongful Path
It seems that when the present comes to you, it makes you decide on two pathways,neither one you want, you say, but make them anyway,since you have no chopce, no freedom to make your own decisions, but there is a time you choose the best one you could think of at the moment, then later… Continue reading A Wrongful Path
A Face Never Forgotten
I have a thought in my mind, it is sad because nobody can see why this image is so important, if you saw what i saw, you would cry as you know the reason why i am, this is a confusing situation which i cannot express, all you know is that it express’s every feeling… Continue reading A Face Never Forgotten