This is a humorous poem, written about my computer in light of several recent problems with it. Please let me know what you think. -Voidsbane
Author: VoidsBane
I am here. If you are there, and would like to catch my attention, find something worthwhile in yourself to talk about. Emptyness is not intelligence. Pain is temporary. Love is the only true power.
Vampire – Poetry of Loathing
Vampire Sometimes it is hard to understand The call of the dark, The seduction of the innocent by the damned.
Hidden – Poetry of Loathing
Hidden Tonight I am a ghost. A shade – not quite in The realm of the living. A specter that watches –
Demotivational Quickies
If at first you don’t succeed – DIE!
So much blood, could it possibly all be…mine?
I thought is was a good idea at the time, The quickest way to end the pain. Just one deep slash and I’d be fine, Won’t take too long for life to drain.
Anti-Happy – Poetry of Loathing
Rage: Rendering flesh during its flight from inside me- The Beast surfaces to destroy all who oppose it.
Inside me – poetry of loathing
The Blackness calls, screams at the walls of its prison in my soul. It wants out. An infinite dark emptiness caged in an infinitesimally small space. Waiting. Plotting. I try to hold it. Too strong.