But I am just buying it, delusional device may have become after long time of charmed reality. the howl it claims its needs for blood, beyond the night and its cooled breeze, the moons cry at all. Greened eyes drop way of healing, perhaps around the shade in the shadows reflect the true vainest thoughts… Continue reading the ache
Author: Freaker Girl
i wish i die young so i dont have to stand this shit for long time
somewhere behind the stare
lsomeone just screamed help and as usual no one heard, even if they did they wont listen what it says, perhaps is because they are busy on themselves or maybe they just don’t care, anyways the laud scream vanished, he loaded his gun with death so decided to pull the trigger but not even he… Continue reading somewhere behind the stare
iron ledge
into the yard i still walk slowly… between the graves i might find the bullets. in the eyes, in the middle of your foreheads, thoughts will be stolen from thee. tonite is going be late, the shine is rising by now, everything new, everything lightly.
hell device
do not believe everything you are told, is not worthy. ain’t nothing gonna save you from fait and it’s painful ending , lethal as it seems. nobody has come beyond where i have, they seem to be deaf or waiting for something that surely is not coming. they will not listen what i say, they… Continue reading hell device
Chased Hunt
what in this world could ever save me from myself? all the hurt i seem to ease and take away, then i pretend and cover up my shield of disuading me of what i am becoming this quick. the rush makes to find what i never saw before you, i stand in front of the… Continue reading Chased Hunt
god’s tv
at the beginning of times, human race has been clasified as evil not for free, we are some kind of beasts who act wild to get our targets without caring about what we may take in the way, thoughtless actions, rage does carry our fait like if we didn’t have reasons. they let corrage to… Continue reading god’s tv
My silent
That nite he went, stayed for a few hours while i stared inside. this was the first time he ever came across that door of mine, my precious and now all tainted eyes. then i could see through him, that motherfucking feeling strands the bends, when I tasted his skin by this bitterness so far… Continue reading My silent
Blooded Strings
some other time, at the end of everything has been stoned the pieces within life, any one near better far, hopes vanish while it was beginning to rain into their heads, other creatures have been designed for hunting our spirits in search for nothing.
Livin’ Paradox
Everything comes and goes so easy, so quick, leaves you with infinite ungrace. Freedom sets your life, your life is set by somebody else almost everytime… and most of them don not know how to deal with you but anyone is perfect right?
The Moon Lord
Hear the black moon dries itself in the gray sky, surrarounded by thousand cries it begins to melt like it was crashing upon the stars.