As I listened upon the crows signing in death chords awaking the morning as the sun doesn’t rise I watch over the rotting flesh in the moors seeing my own slow wasting demise as my own putrid skin shall decay never to see the dawn of the next day incinerated then away we lock as… Continue reading The crows sing in death chords
Author: innocent_child
I'm a french / english poet...a dark / morbid romantic...
beautiful darkness
An angel with furled wings of raven feathers conceiling a widow’s dress and our unholy fears long black hair and deep penetrating eyes see through our glass souls and the ghosts who may rise snow-white flesh dwelling her develish horns beautiful corpse beneath a halo of thorns
Ode to manson and his followers
So I suppose there is no time to discriminate most of the fuckers walking you should hate dispise the lousy fabricated rythm but follow another fabricated system
So tired of this burden nothing but rumors unspoken heard only in hollow ears my lost innocence thus shedding in tears
I’m so fucking tired
I’m so fucking tired of caring of always being hurt everyday falling all I see is dirt
to bloom , to decay
roses whithin your heart seeds blooming beauty took part so it was the start
fear to sleep
Holding this dagger God am I scared oh well, whatever just forget what you heard
Daily routine ( poem )
So ends the dream Open my eyes back to reality so I realise