One thousand knives stab Deep within me Never stopping.
Author: HeatherNorwood
16 years old, lives in massachusetts and studying to speak with the death and share my writing with all. Also Honor student looking Twards being a major in florensics and working through the FBI.
No More
Gusty winds go drifting bye A silent tear drips from your eye I hear you say you want to die But you really have no clue why
Deep Down
I did it because I wanted to know What it felt like to be you Know what it felt like to have them stare And try like hell not to care
“I Remember”
My hopes and dreams are shattered My worst nightmare has come true Losing you
Her Pleasure My Pain
She cuts herself to relieve it Relive the pain she feels The scars left remind her Of all those times she feared
Enchantment of the dark emotions
I feel the anger blowing in the breeze I see the rays of evil shinning through the trees I touch sadness a tear on a face I smell the hate heaven repels I hear fear in a single voice.
Demon In An Angels Place
Angels fall broken wings Horns replace their halos And rip the beauty from their faces Cursed looks now upon their faces
Deep down
I did it because I wanted to know What it felt like to be you Know what it felt like to have them stare And try like hell not to care
Deaths Deception
I stare deeply into The night sky Searching and hoping For just one reason why You had to die.
A Druggies Choice And Lovers Sake
If I get to close things have their ways of working apart If I get to close I’m just afraid of what all could fall apart Somewhere In your confused little mind you hide the wisdom I tried to share