
i hear your voice in the quiet night. i think of you when i am full of fright, you are the only thing that matters to me, but you dont see it, you dont feel it. you wrap your arms around me and tell me that you love me i by that pack of lies… Continue reading termoil


i hear your voice in the quiet night. i think of you when i am full of fright, you are the only thing that matters to me, but you dont see it, you dont feel it. you wrap your arms around me and tell me that you love me i by that pack of lies… Continue reading termoil

stolen emotions

my heart was stolen. not by a griffon, not by a goblin,nor house elves or pixies. my heart was stolen by a little girl. her big blue eyes told her whole life story where she had been what she went through,what she had seen. even the tears she shed were written as they poured down.


many wished death, she wanted it the most. charlie was her best friend. they had good times together. went everywhere together.even sometimes slept together. she knew she hated her life but others were worse. “charlie will comfort me